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Two Quaternary plastered contourite drifts, with terraced and low-mounded morphologies, make up the continental slope and base-of-slope in the northwestern Alboran Sea, respectively, between the Guadiaro and Baños turbidite systems, close to the Strait of Gibraltar.

Considering their significant lateral extent, the link between the contourite drift deposits and landslides may be particularly important for hazard assessment. The physical properties, composition and geometry of contourite drifts have been proposed as key factors in slope stability, although this relationship still needs to be better constrained. In this work, new in-situ geotechnical data (cone penetration tests; CPTu) has been combined with morphostratigraphic, sedimentological, and (laboratory) geotechnical properties to determine the stability of the Guadiaro-Baños drifts.